You hear it more often than not 'The internet is terrible. People are so mean' or something along those lines. That's not really true, but it's not always a sparkly land of rainbows and candy either. Of course the internet that people complain about is social media - where people are free to input their own commentary, usually about someone else (most cases it is the original poster).
But a lot of good things have sprung from the generosity of people on the interwebs. Families who were on the brink of losing their homes could live to see another day because they offered a bit of themselves to complete strangers in return for small donations - just till they could get back on their feet again. Some people have been able to make their daily lives their jobs, which is the case for CTFxC's Charles Trippy and Shaytard's ShayCarl. They started out as ordinary people and now Trippy is the bass player for We The Kings and ShayCarl recently sold Maker Studios (which he co-founded) to Disney.
The internet has enabled us to do anything that we want to do. All you need is a means of knowing how to do it and make that dream real and an audience. There are people who are out there who want to know. The career that is vlogging is still hard to understand - it's reality tv but 100x more real (even I, a devout fictional series watcher enjoys watching vlogs). Sites that crowdsource, Kickstarter and Indiegogo being two popular ones, are growing as well. The internet is about giving yourself to others, making yourself vulnerable, and seeing who will help lift you up and get you there - there are more people out there willing to help than you would probably expect.